Sunday, May 22, 2011

"My mom says..."

I am learning that Benjamin's babysitters need to be warned...he feels that he can get away with anything by prefacing it with "My mom says..."

Quite a while ago he told the babysitter as she was tucking him in "My mom says that I can leave the light on for seven minutes." Not true, but sounds reasonable.

Last night David and I had a fun date. (We actually got to go the the "modest prom" being sponsored by the two Dayton stakes--it was a great time.) A family in the ward watched them and here are a few of Benjamin's lines:

"My mom doesn't want me to lay down."

"My mom wants me to watch two movies."

And my personal favorite...(When asked if he wanted to read a scripture) "My mom doesn't want me to learn how to read."
Of course I don't. Reading is highly overrated. : )

Funny, but wrong. : ) We are having some good discussions about honesty. : )


Janeece, Dusty, Karl, Phillip, Rita, Hazel, and Sonora said...


You have my permission to say "Uncle Dusty says..." (e.g. ...I can have ice cream for breakfast, ...I can stay up till midnight and watch three movies etc.). I got your back!

Jed and Kera said...

Look here! I found your blog! :O) Yay! Aren't kids so funny! I can picture Dalton doing that in a couple years. :O)

jessica said...

That's hilarious! It's great that he's learned how unnecessary reading is at such a young age! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your fun to catch up on all the happenings. love you, Kathy Lazott

Mike and Adrianne said...

I keep trying to send you an email and it gets sent back to me. Can you tell me what your email is again?

About Ben, he is so funny. I love that boy. Miss you and your family.

Sharene said...

That is pretty funny. I love kids and the things they say, even if they are not always truthfull!