Saturday, January 14, 2012

Attack of the killer squirrels!

We spent an afternoon at a park (they have a full scale replica of the Parthenon!) and had a great time. We started to have a picnic lunch and all of the sudden we were surrounded by 5 aggressive squirrels! One of them ran on the picnic table right up to Benjamin's food and stole a chip. Inches from Benjamin! When I tried to scare them off they just braced themselves like they were going to jump at me. One of them got a box of Cheezits and opened it! We finally had to leave because these squirrels wouldn't leave us alone. It was crazy--and definitely a funny memory.

1 comment:

Jed and Kera said...

Haha. I know it probably wasn't funny at the time, I'd be worried they were going to bite, but your title was funny! :O)