Saturday, September 17, 2011

Air Force Half-Marathon

David headed to the air force base bright and early to participate in the air force half marathon. He did so well-with a time of 1:29 and 36 seconds. Amazing!!! Don't ask him today when he's going to do another one. : ) Here are some pictures---there are 13,000 participants, so it's a big one. The boys and I were there to cheer him on. There were some other people from our ward there, too--so that's who's in the group picture with us.


Janeece, Dusty, Karl, Phillip, Rita, Hazel, and Sonora said...
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Janeece, Dusty, Karl, Phillip, Rita, Hazel, and Sonora said...

Congratulations David! YOU ARE THE MAN! Who would have ever thought that you would become and "elite" runner when you ran cross country in high school? One day we will come out and run that race with you...although we will be a "few" minutes behind you.

Brianna Scott said...

David is my running idol. I just hope to run a 5K in the near future. Way to go.