Friday, July 23, 2010

Finalization day!!!

Today was a BIG day for us, we were able to go to court and have our adoption of Hunter finalized. : ) It was neat because we had the same judge that we had when Benjamin's adoption was finalized. : ) We owe April, Hunter's birthmom, a BIG thanks, because she was very instrumental in the last few days in helping us make this happen. (We had to get a signature that she helped us get!) We love her and are SOOO thankful for her courageous decision that has forever blessed our family. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends and the great support that we have. Hunter is one LOVED, beautiful baby boy.

This is a picture of Benjamin's finalization with Judge Daniels on June 4, 2007.

Congratulations, David!!!

David defended his dissertation last Thursday and is approved to graduate on August 7th. YEAH!!! Here's a picture of David and boys on the big day.


I can't get enough pictures of these sweet brothers together, we LOVE them!!!

Swimming Lessons and other water fun...

We have had so much fun in the water this summer. Benjamin took swimming lessons and did great, we also have a slip-in-slide that we played with outside. Here are some pictures...

These are pictures of Benjamin with his friend Miranda running through the sprinkler at her house.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pictures of Hunter...

Okay, so here are a few sweet pictures of our baby Hunter. He is an absolute joy and has a smile and giggle that melts your heart. He rolled over for the first time on Thursday, from tummy to back, but has yet to perform that trick again. He's already has a haircut, so here are some pictures with his "new look".

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Fun

Okay, I'm behind, so here are a few summer fun pictures...
It was time for Benjamin to upgrade from this:

to THIS...

We've gone on many rides to Columbian Park, which is close to where we're living for the summer. It has a train that goes around the park, a water park, a FREE zoo, and lots of fun playground area. Oh, plus ponds where you can feed the ducks. It's just a great place. Here are a few pictures from walks over there and at the zoo...